Nourish and MED e-care team up to make Government's digital care goals a reality

The Department of Health and Social Care commissioned the ‘Digitising Social Care Records Programme’, which aims for all (but at least 80%) of CQC-registered adult social care providers to use digitised records by March 2024.
Now, two care sector companies have come together with the aim of helping providers make this a reality.
Interoperability and the joining of healthcare technology has become increasingly important and partnerships such as this will free up time spent by care workers and managers on administrative tasks, plus equip them with the information they need to deliver person-centred care.
MED E-Care’s eMAR solution (electronic MAR charts) provides care homes with the data they need to make better decisions for those in their care.
The eMAR solution reduces risk- and medication-related errors by alerting care teams to potential missed medications and is proven to save valuable time and increase staff productivity.
It is fully interfaced with national pharmacy providers and independent community pharmacies.
Very soon Nourish will welcome MED E-Care eMAR to its portfolio of eMAR integrations, partnering with systems to drive outstanding care.
Chris Pearson, UK country manager for MED E-Care, said: “We are delighted to be working with Nourish. Social care technology needs to integrate with all the stakeholders (NHS, GPs, pharmacies, ICS’s and other health and social care technology providers) to ensure joined up care, single entry of data, first class care, and medication management.
“Care technology providers need to ensure co-production for continual digital transformation. We are looking forward to our joint customers being able to benefit immensely from this joined up delivery.”
Nourish head of propositions and partnerships, Steve Lawrence, noted: “Care providers are seeing the benefits of reducing risks using electronic systems. Many are now on a digital journey, whether they started with eMAR or digital care planning, and we are joining them together to magnify the benefits of both platforms.
“Working with best of breed solutions, such as MED E-Care, we enable care homes to use a full mix of technology, promoting innovation, reducing administrative burden and most importantly improving care outcomes.”